Monday, February 25, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013     
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has announced she would accept the expansion of Medicaid offered under the Affordable Care Act. Brewer had been a leading opponent of the overhaul, and her decision got widespread attention. Photo: Matt York, Associated Press / AP
Perry should follow  guvs on Medicaid
As a humanist, the editorial, " Perry should follow gov on Medicaid” I read from the  My San Antonio  was enough  to catch my attention.  

According to the article, The  Governor Rick Perry and other  GOP  leaders rejected  the government funds  even though many states  such as the Republic Governor of Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and North Dakota  have chosen to accept federal funds to help with the expansion of the state Medical program.  Perry  reasons that   “Since Medicaid is one of biggest problem of the national debt,  it would be irresponsible for Texas to accept more Medicaid funding from the federal government” The author makes a strong argument  against  the Governor Rick Perry, and Perry became a fish  on the chopping board in this article.   

The author argues the government fund‘s main element is an effort  to increase health insurance  coverage with the expansion of Medical, a joint federal state program that provides medical benefits to low -income individuals; and families who lack health insurance.  The article is intended for the whole nation, but it is liberal in its viewpoint.

The author shows  some statistics that twenty-four percent of Texas residents -- 6.2 million people -- are uninsured , and this rate is the highest in the nation.  This statistic is really shocking to me, I had thought Texas was one of the wealthiest states among the nation.  If this is so, why do states have a lot of people who need to get help from the government?  If this statistic is really true, Governor Perry should definitely get the government funds for taking care of the people as he is a person  who has a responsibility for his  poor state.  The authors sarcastically says “ Even Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, a darling of the right, understands the basic mathematics of Medicaid expansion”. This expression subtly questions Perry’s intelligence.

I strongly agree with the author’s opinion.   If people are healthy, they definitely have to be independent and not try to get help from the government.  However, for the people who are really in need of help such as the very elderly or young children, Perry should not just reject the government funds, he should find another solution for the poor people of Texas.

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